
About Me

My Story

I have always been fascinated by Data as its analysis gets us closer to the truth.
Marketing is fascinating to me as well because I believe it is about understanding the Human Psychology.
Automation is deep within my heart as it allows me to focus my attention on Creativity and the things that give me joy.
Basically, I want to continue learning how to work like a Machine so that I can live like a Human.

I decided to start exercising in the domain of Education because I believe in Equal Opportunities.

The fact that someone living in a hut in Congo with an access to a wifi can get the same or even better education than a PhD at Stanford or Harvard is very exciting to me.

You just need to want it.

I worked for large corporations on Data projects as well as Marketing projects which gave me a specific angle to observe the world.

I always have been attracted by the idea of building my own business from the ground.

After feeling too many times like a simple pawn in the game, I realized I could have a bigger impact working on my own. Being eager to see how well I would do by myself, I decided to give it a try.

So, here I am.

My goal is to try to explain complicated things in a simple way.

I want to understand people’s problems/needs to be a better problem fixer everyday.

I will be sharing my thoughts about Data Science, Growth Hacking (which is another name for Marketing as far as I’m concerned), Web Scraping, Automation etc.

And more broadly about Tech, Entrepreneurship, Human Psychology & Philosophy.

See you at work,
